Today’s IT landscape is highly fragmented, consisting of various cloud and mobile applications and services. These applications are designed to fit your existing business systems and databases and ensure connectivity throughout. However, businesses often need more than just integration tools … they need a complete integration solution that supports their company growth. Many tools used today integrate one specific end point to another and have limitations in the types of system integrations they can perform. Many companies also have implemented point-to-point integrations. This method relies on developers creating custom code and embedding it in each individual end-point.


When it comes to endpoint connections or point-to-point integrations, these tools have their limitations particularly for a growing business with multiple connections. As your business demands increase, you’ll quickly realize that your overly complicated IT environment has too many connections and requires a complete integration solution, with the goal being improved connectivity.

  • Office 365
  • Backup and disaster recovery solutions
  • Amazon web services
  • Salesforce
  • Hybrid Clouds
  • Colocation Services
  • Enterprise Email
  • Virtual Desktop Infrastructures
  • Accounting Systems
  • Infrastructure Services
  • Virtualization
  • ERM (Electronic Records Management)

If your business has employed various integrations tools without much success, R3 can offer you a comprehensive integration solution tailored to your industry and your ever-changing business needs.