Many Services, One Goal

Our wide-ranging expertise means we can support any organization’s unique IT challenges. No matter your service needs, our team has one mission in mind: to provide you with unrivaled technical support, so you can focus on your organization’s success.

Testimonial: Serwa Kenyetta Groves, Office/Purchasing Manager, Atlas Foundations

“Working with R3 as our IT Provider has been a breath of fresh air. Customer Service is huge for me as I was a Customer Service Trainer and Supervisor for over ten years. Unfortunately, with some companies all the niceties experienced are provided during what I call the dating period, once the contract is signed a different interaction occurs. This has not been the experience with R3 IT. Each person I’ve ever worked with has provided the same level of attention and service…Exceptional. Whether doing business over the phone, via email, or in-person it is much of the same, excellent customer service. As someone who has been in the customer service industry since the early 80’s I appreciate when businesses own and recognize that their level of service will determine their success. R3-IT I believe has not only owned that concept but has made it a part of their mission. It is a pleasure working with the R3-IT team. If you want results, if you want excellent service and a super knowledgeable team, you need to contract with R3-IT.”

Other key services

Application Support

Our Application Support Analysts provide IT support to the users within your organization, enabling successful execution of your existing business processes.
More about our application support

Standard Operating Procedures

We help you create enterprise-specific documents and manuals that explain various procedures within your company’s IT department.
More about standard operating procedures

Solutions Integration

We offer you a comprehensive integration solution tailored to your industry and your ever-changing business needs.
More about solutions integrations

Audits and Compliance

We perform a full range of audit services including planning, establishing test controls, reporting, and follow-ups.
More about audits and compliance